I met these two lovely humans while visiting my friend in Seattle. Unfortunately, I was staying in a hostel right by Pike Market with extremely thin windows and uncomfortable pillows... so I slept horribly during the entire visit. But it was my first time in Washington, so I wasn't going to let that ruin my trip. While my friend was at work, I went to Discovery Park to hike and see the ocean. While I was taking in the stunning views of the ocean, Seattle, and the lighthouse, I saw this couple on the beach as well. I asked them where they were from and what their story was. He was visiting her from Amsterdam, and they were in a long-distance relationship. We talked about the tulip festival I was going to the next day and how it’s likely nothing compared to the ones in the Netherlands. I told them I was a photographer and would love to take some photos of them since the vibes were so beautiful and they seemed so in love. They said yes, and even took a few of me. Then, in Seattle fashion, it started to drizzle and turned into a full-on downpour. Perfect for the vibes, but not for my camera lol. I promptly walked/ran back to the trail while covering my camera with my raincoat. But I’m just so happy these photos exist!